Sunday 23 May 2021
General Aviation Visitors (non-based)
2-WOOD C55B-a15:55-d16:45 fm Faro to Cardiff
D-CSMB C550-hangared since 14.05.21
EJ-AWES CL60 (SON001)-a11:26-n/s fm Stansted
G-CKUB C56X (EDC589E)-a18:17 fm Farnborough
G-ETET M600 (WHSP47)-a11:18-d13:07-a21:39-n/s fm Booker to/fm Liverpool
G-MRLB F900-parked since 04.05.21
M-MANX C425-hangared since 01.05.21
M-WMRN TBM9-n/s-d10:11 to Glasgow
N126EB GLF5-hangared since 17.05.21
General Aviation (based)
2-GDEJ H25B-parked since 14.05.21
2-LATE CL60 (VLZ153A)-n/s-d11:35 to Mahon
2-LVLY CL60 (VLZ145A)-a14:51-n/s fm Athens
2-NICE CL60-parked since 18.05.21
2-OOOX F2TH-parked since 07.04.21
2-OTWO H25B-parked since 05.05.21
2-PCBS CL60-hangared, long term storage
2-RBLE H25B-parked since 18.05.21
2-REIN CL60-parked since 21.05.21
2-SHOT H25B-hangared since 07.05.21
5N-TAK B350-hangared, long term storage
CS-REU GLEX (JME515U)-n/s-d13:12 to Farnborough
G-FBKG C510-hangared, long term storage
G-JNRE C25A (SYG309)-n/s-d10:59-d15:02 to Newquay fm East Midlands
G-PCTW PC12-hangared since 30.04.21
G-SPRE C55B (SYG2)-n/s-d10:36-a18:02 to Tarbes fm Inverness
M-CARA C25M-hangared since 07.05.21
M-LLMW B350-hangared since 17.03.21
M-PMCN C25A-hangared since 07.05.21
M-YSPC C525-parked since 21.05.21
N29FR GLEX-a12:37-n/s fm Moscow-VKO
N542MP HDJT-parked since 22.05.21
N601S CL60-parked, long term storage 'taped over reg'
N850BG TBM8-a15:29-n/s fm Liverpool
N989PR TBM8-hangared since 08.05.21
SE-DJI FA7X-hangared since 18.05.21