Thursday 10 June 2021
General Aviation Visitors (non-based)
D-ANTR CL60-parked since 02.06.21
D-CSMB C550-hangared since 14.05.21
D-IEGA C25A-n/s-d11:08 to Mahon
G-CERX H25B-parked since 06.06.21
G-ETET M600 (HLY47)-a16:10-n/s fm Jersey
G-MRLB F900-parked since 04.05.21
HB-GLS BE20 (LEU401)-a14:20-d17:27 fm Luton to Stuttgart
M-MANX C425-hangared since 01.05.21
N18LS CL60-a10:05-d10:31 fm Milan to Farnborough
N126EB GLF5-hangared since 17.05.21
N234RG PC12-a16:40-d17:39 fm/to Belfast City
N264CE C25B-a09:16-d18:32 fm/to Geneva
OE-FAT C510-parked since 02.06.21
General Aviation (based)
2-GDEJ H25B-parked since 14.05.21
2-LATE CL60-parked since 31.05.21
2-LVLY CL60-parked since 02.06.21
2-OTWO H25B-parked since 05.05.21
2-NAPA H25B (VLZ164A)-a19:14-n/s fm Keflavik
(2-PCBS) CL60-dumped on airfield
2-RBLE H25B-parked since 28.05.21
2-SHOT H25B-hangared since 07.05.21
2-SLOW CL60-parked since 06.06.21